Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blog Reviews

N'importe Quoi- I like the background, the whole thing looks professional, but it's a little too dark. This persons Remember post is creative, they made it a poem. My favorite part is, "Every struggle faced. Every path crossed. Every battle won. Every battle lost." I like it because it rhymes. I highly recommend checking out this post.

Lorance- I really like the color scheme, it catches my eye. I like the post, Remember, because I can relate to it and it is written well. He needs to fix his "click here" button though.

Billy's Blog- I like his blog because it's simple and neat. And I like where he placed his picture, I want to know how to do that. I also thought it was cool how his Remember post is about something he really cares about.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Write A Riff

In our class one day we picked up a random picture among many that were lieing on the floor. The image below isn't the same one I was looking at but I thought it was close enough. The one I picked up had a skeleton with a red cape on, falling from a building. All around him were random household objects like: a baby doll, fan, wooden sled, s.o.s. box, baby carriage and lots of money. I chose this one because it was different from most of my other fast writes, which were just like a boring diary entry.

The crazy red caped man was either falling from a building he jumped from, or falling from a building he was pushed off of. Falling all around him were random household objects and lots of money.

This red caped man was a mystery. No one knew who he was or where he came from, or what his face even looked like. He was called the red caped man because he always walked around with a bright red cape that hid his face. He was called crazy because he would always just be walking around everywhere, in and out of stores. Would occasionally buy meat from the butcher or knitted crafts from the nice old woman, but usually just looked at everything. But he never once talked, not any sort of noise ever came from his mouth. This man was a mystery and now it was a mystery of why he was falling from a building with household materials falling all around him.

This was all to become uncovered, and everyone would  know the truth. The red caped man would not be a mystery any more.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prison Poetry

All I Know
By Martin Williams

I came into the world
knowing only three things:
I'm hungry,
I need to be held,
and something to cry about.

Forty-nine years later
nothing has changed.
There's something in me
frail and selfish,
something that only knows
that it's hungry
or that it's alone
or that life hurts
and if you don't fit in there somewhere,
I can't use you.

I heard the scream of a cat
being mauled by a dog,
a primal howling shriek
that raised all my hairs
and I knew exactly
what he wanted.
My dictionary has 6,000,000 words
that all mean
feed me, hold me, fix me.
The last seven words of Christ on the cross
were feed me, hold me, fix me
and all the ads
all the religions
promise to
feed me
hold me
fix me.

I'm hungry.
I'm alone.
Life hurts.

I knew it all along.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


She chose music as a way of remembering because she doesn't like to read. She finds poems and memoirs boring, but finds music interesting and a really good way to remember things, people, moments, all sorts of memories.

Honestly though, she just likes to listen to music and and not really think about it; like what it means or what the artist is trying to say or symbolize. She likes to keep things simple. Not more complicated, but she'll try her best to portray remembering in words and images.

She doesn't really have a specific song to talk about because there are way too many to choose from, and many different kinds. But each song brings up a different memory, either allowing you to remember from a sad one to an enjoyful one. Like if when you were a little kid around Christmas time, singing and dancing while making snowman and Santa shaped cookies as you sip hot chocolate with your mom to Christmas songs; everytime you hear Christmas songs you'll think back to that happy moment.

Music can bring you lots of emotion. For example in a scary movie, the music in the background makes the movie so much better. Without it you wouldn't be as scared and on the edge of your seat. Music is very powerful and makes things so much more intense. She thinks music brings more life into life.

Music Credit
Music Quote